Picking the correct memorial photo for a monument can be difficult for a customer that could be going through the difficult grieving process of the recently departed.

Some factors that we can help assist with this matter:

  • What style monument
  • Size availability
  • Would a custom porcelain picture be a better way for a family member to personalize their loved one’s resting place?

These three questions can help simply determine what would work best.

A majority of monument companies are comfortable with the basic oval shapes.

They’re easy to install and give ample room for the monument builder to host their amazing yet challenging designs.

On another note, the porcelain pictures we can offer can provide vibrant colors to any monument.

The difference between the porcelain pictures and laser or etching can be seen in as early as several months to a year. Depending on which region of the country you live in, lets take for example the large calcium build up monuments can experience in the south east.

The environmental conditions that weather the etchings and laser etchings of visual implications of the calcium carbonate that builds up and covers or fades these art works.

Unlike the porcelain pictures, which include grand panels, these pictures can be simply wiped with a wet cloth, maybe some soapy water, which can easily remove any weathering or debris left behind from mother nature.

Other companies use a sublimation process for their porcelain pictures, which is discounted way of printing decals on porcelains that just don’t hold the colors or last nearly as long as Porcelains Unlimited proprietary process.

Custom Design Porcelain Memorial


Offering a custom design is exclusively done with Porcelains Unlimited and can be shared with the customer to create an art piece to reflect their character.

A large fish that can be custom cut or a golf course green with the 18th hole flag all can be designed specifically to your customers’ needs.

If you have any questions, please contact us anytime. You may reach us at (866) 620-4460 or at [email protected]. A catalog, sample and price catalogue can be sent out by request.

“We Absolutely Can Do That!”

…is our answer to any custom memorial, urn, grand panel or anything else your customer may need to celebrate their loved ones.

Porcelains Unlimited is the trusted memorial supplier of monument companies, funeral homes and cemeteries across the US. Our dedication to quality and valued customer service is displayed in each of our products.